Off programme performances

Admission to Off-programme performances is free.

However, the capacity of individual performances is limited, so it is necessary to buy a ticket for 0 CZK via GoOut or at theInfo Centre.

All performances take place directly in the JAMU buildings and are a presentation of student work of the organizing university. All productions are in Czech language and the performances will be without English subtitles.

Lovu zdar!

Humans have always been either hunters or gatherers. Being a hunter is an age-old matter. Under current circumstances, wildlife would likely overpopulate and take over. There’s really no other way. This could lead to diseases. It could result in a significant overpopulation of a certain species. We don’t want to lose power, do we? They have to obey. Somebody has to take good care of the woods. Somebody who you put your trust in.

Trigger warning: Hazer in use. Violence is shown in the play.

Author – Anna Řehůřková, Sabina Kašparová, Director – Sabina Kašparová, Dramaturgy – Anna Řehůřková
Performer – Ema Červenáková
Musicians – Aneta Měsícová, Albert Pazdera
Music – Aneta Langerová, Helena Vondráčková, Sabina Kašparová
Scénography – Barbora Netopilová, Jana Mlatečková
Painting – Filip Kůrka
Production – Markéta Malcová
Light design – Marta Koláčková
Technician – Vojtěch Divoký


Algernon is a very special mouse. The first of all subjects to remain intelligent for so long after surgery. So far we have predicted the course of events correctly, which entitles us to give a preliminary report: we have nothing to fear! We have succeeded! All indicators are positive, nothing can go wrong now.

Trigger warning: sounds of gunfire, explosions, sirens.

Performer – Petr Erhart
Script, Dramaturgy – Anna Drápalová, Pavel Baďura
Director – Pavel Baďura
Scenography – Jitka Pohořálková
Production – Zdenka Benešová
Technician – Zdeněk Maule

My Heart will go on

Scenario of around fifty minutes based on commedia dell’arte characters, their relationships and their lazzi. A few words about commedia dell’arte: The actors and actresses who formed professional troupes during the Renaissance (the troupe I Gelosi d’Isabella and Francesco Andreini, for example) ‘built their craft, in an artisanal way, from the analysis of the reasons for their successes and failures, which led them to develop a series of training habits in all the disciplines likely to enrich their performances, because what was at stake was not just their success, but their day-to-day survival. They integrated music, dance, acrobatics, the art of gesture, poetry and the plots of the great classics into their shows, which led these companies to appeal to all audiences and to tour all the courts and squares”. (Nando Llera in Commedia dell’Arte, artesanía teatral) At the dawn of the 20th century, commedia dell’arte was rediscovered and reinterpreted by the genius of actors (Soleri, Boso, Contin, Fava, etc.) and directors (Meyerhold, Copeau, Strehler, Lecoq…). The comedy of masks offers a portrait of European society and its characters, which the actors and actresses embody and whose acts and words they invent. Collectively, they carry the voice of popular wisdom that the great master and inspirer of this art form, Carlo Boso, used to sum up in one formula: ‘The power of love will defeat the love of power!

Production team:
1st year of the Physical Theatre Studio – Kryštof Beneš, Zuzana Bocková, Magdalena Brajdić, David Dolyak, Marie Fišárková, Marek Gaj, Aneta Kačmarčíková, Anna Lungová, Martin Manko, Anna Nádeníčková, Jakub Pokorný, Jan Polívka, Eliška Sládečková